Το πρασίνισμα του ευρωπαϊκού προϋπολογισμού

EU FUNDS: Assets or Liabilities?
Is the EU putting citizen’s money where it is most needed?

Wednesday 13 April 2011
PHS 7C50, 14.00 – 18.00
Public hearing followed by a cocktail reception

Co-hosted by: Michalis Tremopoulos (Greens/ EFA); João Ferreira (GUE); Gerben-Jan
Gerbrandy (ALDE); Jo Leinen (S&D); Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP);

2011 will be marked by policy reforms in Europe and the next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 will be an important step to coherently and strategically support policies which will provide money for public goods.
As the EU faces economic turmoil and a global ecological crisis, a better and more focused use of scarce financial resources is paramount. In the last financial framework, the EU broadly failed to

match real funding to its sustainable development ambitions.
Following the launch of a leading environmental NGOs publication for a comprehensive vision for a greener, fairer, and more effective EU budget [“Changing perspectives: How the EU budget can shape a sustainable future”], a cross-party public hearing will be held to discuss the potential for
the EU budget to provide for green jobs, and tuned to tackling the core environmental challenges of our time: climate change, biodiversity loss and resource inefficiency.


Provisional Agenda:
13:30 Registration
14:00 Introduction by Moderator: Jack Thurston
14:15 Welcome speech by MEP Jo Leinen (S&D) chair of the ENVI Committee
Session I – Cohesion and Transport Funds
14:25 Funding for climate mitigation within the Cohesion and Transport Policy – Sebastien
Godinot, Economist, WWF EPO
14:40 Response – Rudolf Niessler, Director of Policy Coordination, DG REGIO
14:55 Public Questions
Session II – Agriculture and Rural Development Funds
15:05 Funding for public goods within agriculture and rural development – Ariel Brunner, Head
of Policy, Birdlife Europe

15:20 Response – Pierre Bascou, Head of Unit, Agricultural policy analysis and perspectives,
15:35 Public Questions
15:45 Coffee Break
Session III – Biodiversity – European and Global Funds
15:55 Funding for Natura 2000, LIFE programme, Overseas Entities, and International
Commitments – Pieter De Pous, Policy Director, European Environmental Bureau
16:10 Response – Pia Bucella, Director, Directorate B Nature, DG ENV
16:25 Public Questions
16:35 Initial analysis on the potential for jobs in a Green Budget – James Medhurst, GHK
MEP Interventions:
16:50 Michalis Tremopoulos, Greece (Greens/ EFA) – Vice-Chair of REGI committee
17:00 João Ferreira, Portugal (GUE) – Shadow Rapporteur for the ENVI Biodiversity report
17:10 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Netherlands (ALDE) – ENVI opinion Rapporteur to the SURE
17:20 Sirpa Pietikäinen, Finland (EPP) – President of Globe EU
17:30 Public Questions
17:45 Moderator concluding remarks: Jack Thurston
18:00 Cocktail Reception
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by April 7st 2011

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