Cyanide leaching installation in the city of Kardjali, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Government has granted permission to the firm Gorubso Kardjali AD for a gold extraction installation using cyanide leaching technology. The installation had already been constructed without permission and it is located less than 1.000 meters from residential buildings and the city of Kardjali. Cyanide will pollute Arda River, and will cause transboundary pollution to Turkey and Greece, posing dangerous threats for public health.  

There is strong opposition among the citizens of Kardjali against this dangerous installation that has been officially declared during the public consultation process of the project’s environment impact assessment. The majority of the city councilors also supported a declaration against the project.


In spite of the opposition of the local communities against the installation, the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria is supporting it further, granting permission for its operation.


What measures does the European Commission consider to take in order to ensure the compliance of the Bulgarian Government with the Community Legislation (notably Directive 2006/21 on the management of waste from the extractive industries and the Water Framework Directive 2000/60), especially regarding the organisation of an adequate and inclusive public consultation?



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